In looking back at an issue of the FML, I noticed that "CFS" was used to
mean "Cute Ferret Story." But what many people don't know is that CFS also
stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a serious disease.  It's more recently
known as CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndome) or M.E.
(myalgic encephalomyelitis).  Chances are someone you know has this disease,
as 2-5 million Americans have it.  Anyone wishing more info can email me,
but please no posts on the FML as it's for ferrets!
Don't stop using CFS in regards to ferrets, though--I like to think it has a
happier meaning!!  :) Thanks, BIG, for letting me go off-topic.
Laura Bosch
Nigel, Wayne, Cosmo, and Xenia
P.S.  Thanks for all the replies about my ferrets' stinky ears--their ears
are healthy (no mites, infections) so I guess either they need a new cleaner
or I'm just very sensitive to certain odors (most likely it's me!).
[Posted in FML issue 1661]