Well, Rascal reported the sighting of a small smile emanating from my house.
I guess I'll just have to plead guilty.  Yep, it was me - Ol' Hopalong Paw
The people vets have kept me pretty busy lately.  I don't have to see
another one until early in September.Thank Gawd.  I've been tested,
detested, poked, prodded, inspected, injected, rejected and otherwise
generaly abused by the good followers of Hippocrates.  Hmm.  Reckon how they
ended up being called physicians instead of hippocrites?  Anyway it sounds
like Ol' Flop Foot will be with me for some time to come.  Maybe the next
specialist can finger something out.  I'm not going to buy a new pair of
track shoes until after I see him though.
I do want to send many much thank yous and loves to everyone who has written
to me or said Hi on the FML.  I have no words for just how much that means
to me.  Having allowed myself to descend into a purple-damned funk over my
ailments, I have not written to anyone for awhile - not even the folks I try
to write to on a daily basis.  But, as Rascal reported, I'm starting to feel
a bit better about things.  Look out world, Paw Paw shall return - full of
vim, vinegar and Geritol.
You know, it really is amazing how things work out sometimes.  Here I was
all down because I won't be able to play first base for the Bummers anymore.
Now I'm the first base coach - still a part of the team.  I was really upset
because I couldn't be an electrician anymore and drive around in a fancy
service truck, showing off how smart I am to be able to fix stuff.  Now Mee
Maw's business is showing signs of really catching on so I'm doing a lot of
work for her.  She' s even asked me to be her business manager.  Heck, six
months ago we couldn't even spell 'Entremanure', now we are ones!
Yep, I'm starting to smile again.  I had to spend some time grieving over
the things I've lost.  Now I'm starting to get excited about doing things
I've never done before.  Funny how things work out that way...
Oops.  I've been watching that little square thing on the right of the
screen get closer and closer to the down arrow, so I guess I'd better hush
for now.  Thanks again for all the kind thoughts and words.
Many much loves (Hugs and dooks from Tater and Odie)
Paw Paw
[Posted in FML issue 1660]