I had a scarey incident the other night and mostly want to vent about it,
but it is also a reminder about children.
My friends came over the other night, along with their 7 year old son.
Whenever he comes over he plays with the ferrets, but on that night I told
him the ferrets were sick from taking their medication and it would be best
if he left them alone and let them sleep.  Total lie, but he seems to get
them aggitated and I didn't feel like dealing with it.
So he was okay with that and played with my dog instead.  He gives her
pieces of her food for doing tricks.  He's happy, the dog is happy, no
problem, right?  All four of us are in the living room, the boy is a foot
away from me, and the dog yelps, loud!  I turn around, "What happened?" I
thought maybe he stepped on her tail or paw or something like that.  Mom
intervenes, "What did you do to Denali?" and the boy answers, "I bit her".
I didn't even need to get involved, the kid is in so much trouble.  He cried
for the next half hour, sobbing.  He apologized to me and to my dog.  I had
a talk with him before they left about how to treat animals and that if he
hurt them, they might hurt him back, maybe much worse too.  I was shaking
the whole time I talked to him, I was so upset.  I trust the parents and I
know he will be disciplined, I'm sure the next time they come over he will
be sitting on the couch, period.  If they don't make him, I will.
I'm so glad I made the ferrets off limits that night.  Kudos to my dog for
being her good natured self and not biting back.  The poor girl was so
confused, she thought they were playing having a good time, then CHOMP.
Venting has not made me feel better, it's got me all riled up again.  Oh
It's another wierd animal day at my house.  They are all acting up and
driving me nuts.  And if my neighbor doesn't shut his @%#$^&* dog up soon...
Does it sound like I'm having a rough day or something?
Till Next Time
[Posted in FML issue 1660]