I've discovered that Lemke likes to share my diet tonic water, and I'd just
like to make sure this isnt a bad idea beyond a normal caution about giving
them too much junk of course.  I drink the stuff because it contains quinine
(no I dont have malaria, just leg cramps) and it occured to me that this
might be a bad thing for fuzzies.  He hasn't shown any advers reactions the
few times he's had any, but I'd rather be sure.  Also what about aspartame
(nutra-sweet) is it better to drink the "regular" version than diet?
Re using anesthesia for Dental work on ferrets, while I agree that
anesthesia is something to be used sparingly, there are cases where it's
necessary.  Our Misha went into the vet and needed some serious cleaning on
the back teeth.  The vet had no option but to knock him out for this
procedure.  Misha , while an absolute sweety-bug the rest of the time,
cannot stand "intrusive" stuff like teeth poking - it makes him seriously
hysterical I think he had a b ad visit to the dentist in his youth just like
me ;-> In this case, it's not the vet it's the ferret.  Misha is just as
difficult with us over these things as with the vet...
Vinegar- someone asked how this made the house smell, I didnt notice it at
all when we used it, whereas the expensive official ferret deoderizer we
bought smells really nasty when sprayed on the wall, and I was glad when a
week later the scent finally began to fade.  I'd rather have my house smell
like a ferret box!
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 1659]