Beth Towns asked about the legality of ferrets in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Unfortunately ferrets are illegal in Salt Lake County.  I have heard that
there is legislation is being considered that will change this, but that was
a rumor I heard from the county Animal Services.
One thing you may consider, Beth, is to live in Davis County.  If you live
in the south part of Davis County, and you are attending school at the
University of Utah, your commute will only be 15 - 20 minutes to school, and
your ferrets will be living in a ferret FRIENDLY Zone.  The ruling banning
ferrets in Davis County was changed last June.  (Yeah!)
While I am on this subject, does anyone out there know of an organization
working on changing the local laws in Utah?  I would be very interested in
doing what I can to help.  Although I live in Davis County at present, my
wife and I will be relocating to Tooele in about 8 months.  Although I
understand that ferrets are legal in Tooele County, they are illegal in
Tooele City.  If we can change more of the local laws in the area, hopefully
we can outnumber and put pressure on the few reluctant places that ban our
little friends.
I really do want to help.
My e-mail is [log in to unmask]
Robert (and Rhonda) (mommy & daddy)
Three three 2 legged kids
Makeba (daddy, do I really have to go undercover, again?)
[Posted in FML issue 1659]