Well, gang I am still anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 'world traveler'
Miss White Fang.  She should be here around the middle of the month.  Will
post as soon as I know something, or she appears on my doorstep.
Took the new kid who was abused and has an old back injury to the vet
yesterday (some may be more familiar with him as the former 'biter', also
the one who had me perched standing on the toilet seat one Sunday afternoon,
gotta think of a name for him so this is not so confusing).  X-rays show a
dip in the spine but the bones have fused like this and the spinal cord
seems okay, no swelling or anything, he does not even seem to be in pain at
all, gets around good, can even scratch his nose with no problem, so the vet
says to do anything would only cause more trauma, swelling, pain, etc., so I
guess we will leave well enough alone unless problems arise.  All in all I
guess this is really 'good' news.
He is learning how to play, he plays gently with my hand and has started the
'war dance' and loves to chase and be chased.  He talks with his eyes too,
begging to get out of his cage all the time it seems.  Of course, all of you
know that I would *never* spoil a ferret around here.  I just don't know why
he thinks he should get special treatment <grin>.
Festus also had an x-ray because we had felt a very hard, foreign object in
his abdomen some time back, but he was not up to surgery and it was not
causing a problem so we let it go.  The x-ray showed absolutely nothing!  If
there was something there before (and both the vet and I felt it) he has
evidently passed it without my knowledge.  The vet commented on how good he
looked (fat!! compared to before) and examined him very thoroughly and
pronounced him "healthy as a horse".  For those not familiar with common
phrases used here in Texas, that means he is as healthy as he can be.  This
is great news!!  His personality is finally coming out, he has been ill for
a long time and had little energy from the start.  So now I am having to get
to know him, he sure has changed!!  He is a joker I think, loves to play,
but he does tire quickly.  He loves for me to chase him, it is so strange to
see him behaving like a normal ferret.  I am use to a ferret that had energy
only to potty in his litter box (he is such a good boy), argue with me about
eating his duck soup, and climb back in his hammock and go to sleep again.
The four new kids from Last Sunday are going through the greenies now, what
fun! <sigh>
Bandit is much better, he played *alot* today.  He is eating his dry food
very well on his own now.  I am very relieved!
Ally is doing great, actually putting on weight, she played alot today.  Her
coat is looking really good now.
All the others seem to be doing very well.  I am watching Emily, as her hair
is looking slightly thin on her tail now.
Gotta run now, Kisses to all the fuzzies.
Director, Ferrets First Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 1657]