Dooks to all!
Mischieva, Sinbad, Quincy, and I had to leave for a while.  Got our own
computer!  So far the fuzzies haven't been interested in it all.  I'm still
waiting for midnight mail messages sent mysteriously, however.  It's great
to be back.  The 2 months we were off felt like years!  By the way, whoever
did send in that info on vinegar, Thank you!  I'm going to run down and buy
some right now!
Liz and the fuzzies
Mischieva: "treat, treat, treat, treat, treat, treat!!! Hurry!"
Quincy: "treats, treats, treats, treats, get outta my way, treats!!!"
Sinbad: "what's that?! TREATS! MINE MINE MINE!"
Baron (poor cat) Rats! What are these things anyway?
Roxanne (poor cat) LEAVE ME ALONE!
[Posted in FML issue 1657]