Hi Folks,
It's us again.  Cookie is feelin' better about things too and she will be
teleporting in tomorrow to start training with us again.  Welcome back,
We has also hearded from the British team.  Kurt, Daniel and McCoy will be
beaming in on Saturday just in time for the big event.  They is gonna hitch
a ride on the starship Enterprise cause it done gotted itself losted in a
time warp again.  Their team manager and press agent, Fritz, done told us
that the whole team has gone to Brecon to train with that crack British Army
Unit called the S.A.S.  Ruh roh!  We mights be in some serimous trouble now.
Them British Army folks has a motto that says that they dares to win.
Cookie done tolded us not to worry too much though.  She's bringin' some
plans she worked out that involves stealin' and hidin' them carrotballs.
Sounds like a plan to us.  Guess them British ferts won't be able to score
against us too much if them carrots keep disappearing.
We still ain't heard from that Canadian Moose Stash team.  Reckon they must
be dryin' those moose chips so's they can foul us.  We're sure that they
will show up too.  That don't bother us none.  We'll be ready, by gosh by
Oh yes, before we done went and forgotted.  Paw Paw done went out and
boughted a wheel barrow today.  We askeded him what he was gonna do with it.
He said that he was gonna hook it up to the pooter to hold all the mail.
Seems that his in basket done got so full that it done fell apart.  He don't
know when he'll get a chance to sort through all the mails and do something
about them.  At least us and him reads it all and smiles a lot.
We gotta go.  We's been trainin' all day and it's time to set down at the
training table.  After we has done et our fill we gots to practice stealin'
Tater and Odie and Cookie - Goin' for the gold.
[Posted in FML issue 1648]