To Rebecca, who properly wanted to make some things explicit:
"SO": Significant Other.  Formerly husband ("housebound") or wife ("she who
must be obeyed") when marriage was the norm.  After the Enlightenment,
"mistress" and "lover" gained currency as well.  Through Grimm's law,
"mistress" became "girlfriend" and "lover" became "boyfriend." After the
(so-called) S_xual Revolution, "girl" and "boy" and "husband" and "wife"
were felt to be insulting (?), but "Significant Other" was somehow not.
But, hey, descriptively, we know what it means!
"Dook": Pronounced dook or duke.  Anglicized transliteration from Low Ferret
"dch!k," frequently with spirated "ch!k" or glottal stop.  The word is
liturgical in use, frequently employed during war-dances, formal dances,
invitations to ritualistic wrestling (usually with mock sacrifices).  It is
thought by scholars to mean "YAAAH!" or (in liturgical context) "YAHOO!"
Some liberal scholars opine (based on flimsy evidence of cognates in Old
Weasel) that it means "hahahaha!" However, compare the Old High Ferret
"dkkk!ch", meaning "damn, this is fun."
     "Dook" University
[Posted in FML issue 1648]