>From:    "Tracy L. Tunnison" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Question for the vets
>The mom was given to my shelter in season, and at the time I didn't have
>a vasectomized hob, so even though she had cataracts, I had to breed her
>(too far gone to spay).
In the future their is a hormone shot that should be used in cases like
this.  Don't want to reproduce deformities.
>Easel Weasel was rescued from another ferret breeder.  She was born with
>only three legs (rear right leg ends just below the knee)
This sounds like Mom was a bit to rough in helping the kit out.  Right?
>From:    CHARLES E FOX <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Question for Vets
>According to an article in the 1997 edition of Critters USA (page 20),
>ferrets are susceptible to canine bordetella.
One of the reasons we don't consider Critters to be a definitive or even
accurate resource sometimes.  Best guess of the vets I've talked about is
that they are not susceptible.  I believe its USED to thought they were.
Same story with Feline Distemper.
>From:    Becca Simpson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cages and falling in them
Knowing the age of your kits.  They are a bit young for that kind of cage.
Ours at that age are still in a flat cage with their mothers.
Might remove the higher levels for about a month.
>From:    Sergio Coccia <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: gliders
>Hi I know this may sound stupid but I have to ask anyway. What is a glider.
>Date:    Thu, 8 Aug 1996 17:39:16 -0400
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Excuse me, silly question time
>can't find the  definition to Sugar Glider. Can you help?
Latest "in-pet" is a sugar glider.  Not a ferret.  Remind me of flying
squirrels.  Hipper now than hedgehogs.  Not much more needs to be said
on a ferret list I guess.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1656]