>From:    Shannon & Michael <[log in to unmask]>
>Hell I am interested to see what kind of interest you all have in Angora
Hey!  No need to be so aggressive.  Hell, I'd like some info too!  (Sorry :)
Just teasing)
>I am getting one and wanted to get some opinion about it.  I look forward
>to hearing back from some people.
I have a friend with an angora and I liked the sound of him so much we plan
on getting one ourselves ... when we win the lottery :)
Dweezil is really big, apparently, and he has hair growing out of one
nostril.  Pat says he is absolutely fearless and takes on all her other
ferrets gleefully.  He was called a Black Self but is changing colur as he
gets older and she says she suspects she will end up with a long haired,
sable, $300.00 ferret in the end.  He's already very very large although
he's only a few months old and he apparently enjoys causing mass destruction
in her home (but what ferret doesn't?).
Her concern, however, was that when she brought Dweezil home (got him in
Florida) her other ferrets became violently ill.  It appeared to be ECE,
from what they could tell, although they aren't sure.  I'm not sure whether
the pet store had the virus or the breeder, but she said her oldest guys
were really hard hit.  They are recovering nicely now though.  Hey - that's
what I heard, I'm not slamming the angoras...it could have been a
coincidence or something.  But I thought I'd best mention it anyway.
We've got a pair of old timers up for adoption soon.  Male and female, both
real sweet and loving ... 5 years old and have been together their whole
lives, so we won't seperate them.  As soon as we get in a vet visit in (the
male has a lump on his hindleg) they'll be ready for new homes.  We've got
others as well, but these guys are too cute.  E-mail me if you are
Wherret Ferrets Halfway House and Ferretry
Ferret Association of Greater Vancouver
[Posted in FML issue 1656]