Hi all,
My name is Mike and I've been lurking for slightly over a month.  I think
it's time that I introduce myself and my owners : Beethoven (no I didn't
choose it) and Bruiser (the misnamer of the century).
Bruiser : 5+ year-old female sable.  Originally my sister's ferret but has
moved in to join company with Beethoven.  The most lovable, kissee-baby I
have ever seen.  She doesn't seem to want to run around much and doesn't
even like to play fight (much).  She's perfectly happy to come join me on
the futon and be pet and skritched all day.  She is fascinated with the
garbage can and what treasures she might find inside.
Beethoven : 4+ year old female sable.  My whirling dervish ball of Satan
spawn.  She is the exact opposite of Bruiser and will fight with me as if I
was close to her size (I stand 6 foot tall and weigh over 250 pounds, but
that doesn't stop her).  Anyone who says that ferrets can't climb has never
seen Beethoven.  I also believe that I have one of those rare teleporting
Now that introductions are complete, I require some information.  I have
accepted a job that will bring me into the big ferret-no-no-land (yes
ca-ca-land).  My girls are going to stay here in Montreal with my sister but
I think that I am going to go nuts without some ferret interaction.  I would
love to volunteer some time to a shelter in the San Diego area beginning in
late September/early October.  I don't know whether I will have access to
E*mail at the new job and would really appreciate this info before I leave
my current job (and E*mail account).  You can reply to me directly at
[log in to unmask]  A name and number would be sufficient since directions
would be useless to me.
Thanks for your time and looking forward to helping some shelter,
Michael King
[Posted in FML issue 1656]