Fellow FML'rs --
I've just taken Rowena (nickname 'Weena,' or just 'Wee'), my new little
adopted sprite-girl to the vet who'll be seeing her from now on (she'd been
to a couple others during the rescue/adoption process), and it seems that we
will have to do something about her little fangs (upper canines).
You see, when she was found at rescue time, she had one fang that was broken
off and the other was all discolored.  So, of course, after all the 'phase
one' veterinary stuff had been done, I scheduled her to have a look at those
'toofes' ... Apparently, the advice is that both fangs should be extracted.
The doctor described to me the fact that once the teeth have been
compromised this way, that there's a chance for infection, etc., that could
eventually involve her little sinuses, etc., and could get very bad, so it's
best to just remove the little fangs.
I figure that since she doesn't have to defend herself against any
heffalumps, and she only eats dry ferret 'kibble,' raisins, etc., and
doesn't have to be a 'great carnivore hunter in the wild,' that probably she
can get by without her little fangs.  She lives also with our two other
fuzzies, William (a.k.a.  'Wiyum,' 'Draco,' 'The FurBoy') and Winona (a.k.a.
'Nahnee').  They won't take advantage of her 'disarmed' condition at play
time, will they?  I don't expect them to.
I'd like any advice from anyone who's had to put their little fuzzie-one
through this kind of procedure, and how / what kind of care should I expect
her to need when it's done (with stitches in her tiny mouth, should I gear
up for Duck Soup, etc., and for how long?, etc., etc.).  They'll be removing
both fangs and stitching patches of her gums back over the spots where
they'd been to close up after, and so when it heals there'll be no chance of
'stuff' getting up into the places where her little fangs once were... What
about her 'bite' after that?  What about the remaining lower fang-teeth?
Will everything mesh properly?  Should I consider NOT having this done?
We're scheduled for Wednesday, the 14th.
I love the little tweekie-girl very much, and I want to be sure this entire
experience is as gentle and comfortable for her as possible. Hubby said we
should probably change her name to 'Ralph' after the
Saber-tooth-tiger-with-just-one-Saber from the old Cosby routine, but then
when I pointed out that Ralph at least had ONE Saber, he got all quiet and
just petted her...
Any advice? Respond via FML, or directly to [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1655]