Hi Gang,
Just thought I would write and share the good news!  I hope that I am not
jinxing myself but I think Chelsea is on the road to redemtion!  I had tried
EVERYTHING I could think of to get her to stop biting but to no avail!  Then
last week Kelleen sent me some tough love advice for severe cases and it
looks like Chelsea may be beginning to see the light!
I used the bitter apple method (a q-tip with a small amount of bitter apple
on it applied to the tongue) on three times since Saturday!  Chelsea bit my
nephew while he was visiting so I dabbed a little bitter apple on her tongue
immediately following the attack.  I felt bad doing it because she gagged
and spit and shook her head but I figured the alternative was worse!  I has
reached the point that no one but Steven and I will even go near her and our
daughter, who has difficulty differentiating between Lucy and Chelsea, yells
and chases little Lucy off because she is afraid of being bitten!  Naturally
Lucy is bewildered by Jessica's behavior because she never hurts anyone and
can't figure out WHY Jessica won't play with her anymore!
At any rate Chelsea has only bitten three times since last weekend and the
last two times I felt were out her control.  I had just taken a bath in some
WONDERFUL smelling oil and I think she just lost her mind and buried her
gnarly little fangs into my ankle!  She must have hit a nerve because I felt
pins and needles in my foot for almost a half hour afterward but I wrote it
off to the joys of parenthood!
Wish us luck on breaking the habit so that little "Evil" can be loved and
played with by everyone!  THANKS A MILLION KELLEEN!!!!
God bless and love to all,
        Irena...Lucy, Chelsea, Rikki, and Tabitha's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1654]