Hi Everybody...
There are red letter days and there are better red letter days..  but I'd
like to share a really great one with you!!
This morning will live on in memory forever as the first time I ever set
eyes on 'the perfect vehicle'!!!  there I was, making the dawn rounds for
foodstuffs for the kids [all species], and I just turned the corner and
there it was!!  So low you couldn't imagine any other critter inside of any
species... legs too long/never fit..  and so wide and flat and square it
looked like the perfect ferret transport// lots of play room, no heights to
fall from, plenty of romp room, huge back cargo area for sleep sacks and
toys and litter box and play room besides..  4 wheel drive so it can go
anywhere... fairly narrow windows [not tall]..  so less sun to hurt the eyes
while romping and less heat..  absolutely rock steady on any surface so
ferret-in-face antics and ferret-landing-in cup-of-hot-coffee errors won't
cause vehicle damage..  super good lights for night ferret games..  runs on
most anything so when broke from buying too many ferret treats and toys you
won't get stranded..  and... well it has many many other wonderful
attributes... but the clincher, is that it comes in full ferret colour
preference..  no garish or mundane or depressing human colours..no siree,
but in full glorious camophlage..  I guess one could repaint it so to fit
into human societies..  but for ferrets the hide-and-pounce colour scheme is
just perfect!!  Some humans aspire to a caddilac, some to a mercedes, some
to a lambourghini, but not I... for me its this epitome of ferretitis... the
HUMMER !!!!  I felt I had to share this with other victims of terminal
ferret addiction/no known cure..  after all who am I to hoard such knowledge
from a public who needs and wants to know..  right???  what do you think??
Should this news be let out..or the treasure be kept secret?... will it
cause unrest and hummeritis attacks on a national scale thus wrecking the
whole social order??  :] at any rate... I just sat there stunned and
admiring for just forever..  until some unworthy soul appeared and stole my
vision of beauty away... of course he had the keys at the time..  but it was
sad to see it go just the same..  I felt robbed..  I am even now seeking a
picture to put up on a wall to just admire!  [I must say I resent the
comment by one person I have asked about a picture, that the HUMMER was
designed to use in wars.... but we ARE in an FFZ here and the ignorant
person couldn't know ferret dominance tiffs never escalate to outright mass
 so... my morning was spent having a 'profound experience/ a la ferret!
 Dooks to all..
 dayna and the Woozles...
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  06-Aug-1996  21:27:02 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1654]