Smudge, oh true love of mine, one-of-a-kind-fewwet, pumpkin-pie fuzzy...
Dis here is Samantha, and I does take your paw in wholey matrimoaney and
stuffs, cause you seem like a sweetheart-type fuzzie...
I am a chocolate sable point...whatever dat means...
My Ma says dat my fur is very soft...and I'm a big girl...and I am only four
months old, but I am a woman!  Tee hee hee...
Smudge, now dat I tinks dat dat wedding is off for Rosie and Maxie (my
brand-new sifters) well, we can have everyone come to our wedding
instead!!!!!!  =)  =)  =)
What does you ferrets out dere tinks about dat???
I means, you already done got all preparified and stuffs...stole weddin'
prezents for the big ocatsion and got monkey soups and stuffs...hey, we can
even invite Tater and Odie to our weddin', although Rose and Max might not
be able to handle it (sigh)...
Anyways, Smudge, my loverboy...what do you tink?
FML-fuzzies, do you want to come to our wedding insteads?
Dose skunks is still bein' rumored to crash in, and we needs a lots of
Samantha (Mrs. Smudge)
 ^  ^
[Posted in FML issue 1653]