Tomorrow Whidbey goes in for her second adrenal gland sugery.  So everyone
please wish us luck.  She had the left gland removed in March, but
unfortunately the symptoms of a very swollen vulva has never gone down, and
none of her hair has grown back.
In May when she actually started to lose hair on her neck, we consulted with
Dr. Dutton & decided to try Lysodren.  Well, as luck (or more appropriately,
our lack of) would have it, our 50% chance of the drug working - didn`t.
Our poor little girl now has completely bald feet, and has a partially bald
face - around her eyes and the bridge of her nose, and some pink skin
showing thru on her neck.  Her activity levels are much better than before
her initial surgery, but we don`t want to wait too long - or before it is
too late.
We want to thank Dr. Williams & especially Dr. Dutton for all their help.
Our vets don`t have alot of experience with "older" ferrets and weren't
really sure how to proceed.  So after numerous phone calls from, Dr. Dutton
sent some case files for them to study.  Another example of how great
fml'ers are.
On the lighter side, we had our first potato theft yesterday.  Havoc did the
mad dash from the kitchen cupboard to behind the living room couch yesterday
with a nice big round potato.  It was so funny I just stood there and
laughed for a couple of minutes.  When he did not eventually come out on his
own, I decided I'd better check on him.  There he was in the corner trying
to eat his first "captured" meal.  Thinking that raw potato might not be
very good for him, I lifted him up with the potato in tow.  My poor little
Havoc looked so disappointed when his prized possession was taken away.
I'm not sure which is worse, when I know that Havoc is up & about, but I
don't hear anything, or the crashing & banging of things being displaced
which is currently what is going on.
Take care everyone
Edith & Denis
   & co.
[Posted in FML issue 1653]