Ny ferrets could care less about grapes, other fruits, and even fruit loops,
which I was told ALL ferrets liked - when presented with a fruit loop, Trudy
promptly buried it in the litter box.  They are also uninspired by shrimp
and ice cream.  They are a bit intrigued by Dr. Pepper and dark beer if they
are flat, but they hate the bubbles.  (I don't think these would be good for
them, so they only get to lick a finger that's been dipped in Dr. Pepper
once a week or so).  The only ttreat I've found that they adore is peanut
butter.  I can even clip their toenails by putting a bit of PB on my arm -
they'll be so busy eating it that they don't care what I'm doing to their
toes.  Question: does anyone know a reason they shoulds not eat peanut
Regardinfgf discipline: before I ever owned ferrets I managed pet shops,
some of which sold ferrets.  I observed that they expressed dominance, when
wrestling, by grabbing each others' ear, and that if a ferret got a good
hold on another's ear, the victim would submit.  So that became my "no bite"
training method, and it works!  When a ferret bites too hard I grab its ear
firmly and pinch.  After only a few episodes of this, they learn what's
acceptable.  It doesn't seem to hurt them at all, it's just a signal they
understand in their own language.
[Posted in FML issue 1652]