Hi gang,
I promised an update on Angel's vet visit Tuesday, and I had hoped to get it
in to BIG so it would come out in Wednesday's FML, but I had a really
stressful and busy day (at the vets 5 hours), had to work last night,
emergencies to take care of, Angel to see to, so I just couldn't get it in
in time.  Anyway, here it is...
Ultrasound was done by Dr. Kendrick and Dr. Thayer.  The results were not
good.  First, Dr. Kendrick estimates Angel's age at around 6 years, he says
her condition and ultrasound are the worst he has ever seen in a ferret.  He
believes she has had this condition for up to 2 years!!!  The tumor is
large, probably originating as an adrenal tumor, it takes in the right
adrenal gland, the right kidney, the duodenum, the pancreas, the liver, and
perhaps even part of the spleen (which is enlarged to at least, five times
it's normal size).  The Aorta and Vena Cava run right through the tumor.
Dr. K says it has to be benign or she would not have lived this long.  It is
completely inoperable.
All we can do for her is to make her as comfortable and as happy as possible
in her remaining time, a few months at best, but she is already possibly
exhibiting some of the signs he said to watch for.  She has improved
drastically in her outward condition and her activity and energy level from
when she first arrived to Eydie a few weeks ago.
Lysodren is not an option for Angel because the liver is so much involved.
With a liver that is obviously not functioning as it should, it could not
'process' the Lysodren and it would likely build to toxic levels in her
system.  It would probably do her more harm than good.
Sometimes we just get them too late.  It is so hard to be a shelter some
It will be Eydie's decision whether Angel stays here or goes back out to her
shelter in New Mexico.  She and I discussed it late last night.  It is
especially hard for her because this is exactly how she lost her "Franny".
I have told her it is up to her, Angel will have the best care possible
whether she is here or with Eydie.  It is so hard to take a ferret into your
heart and love them for a short time only to learn they are very ill, there
is not a d*** thing you can do about it, and that they have a very short
time left.  On top of all that, YOU will have to *know* when the time comes
and you decide when the pain exceeds the good things in their life, and you
will have to make that call and take them in, so their pain can be taken
Times like these make you wonder if you can continue to be a shelter.  Only
shelter operators truly know what it is like to deal with this on a
seemingly regular basis.  It is a tough enough job just dealing with the
financial problems of running a shelter, but the "losses" are the things
that really rip your heart right out.
Kiss your fuzzies, be happy they are healthy, safe, and warm.  Many are not.
Director, Ferrets First Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 1648]