I'm sorry to bug you all with yet another question, but this is a really
important one.  Hershey is giving off a certain... odour, and my mother's
getting really annoyed.  To be fair, I do smell the scent, but I don't think
it's that bad.  I didn't know when Hershey was last bathed, so I tried
washing her.  No change.  Her bedding has been changed twice since I got her
on Tuesday, so that's not the problem.  I scoop her litter box at least once
a day.  What could be causing this?  My mom says I may have to get rid of
her if I can't do anything about the smell!!  I just got her-- I really
don't want to have to sell her!!  Does anyone have any suggestions?  It's
not really a urine smell, it's just an animal smell.  I could really use
your help, guys!
[Posted in FML issue 1677]