Today I took Chloe and Velvet outside with their harnesses on.  It wasn't
the first time they've been outside, but they acted as if it was!
They got into all sorts of trouble, and I started to make a game out of it.
Here is my version of the Ferret Olympics!  Enjoy.
Tangling herself: Chloe won this one hands (or paws) down! She effortlessly
tied herself up with the leash many, many times.
Tangling me: Even though Chloe had one leg tied up pretty well, Velvet won
by doing a double figure-eight around my legs!
Tangling her sister: Velvet ran circles around Chloe, effectively tying her
sister up.
Escaping (from my hold on the leash): Chloe has proven to be a perfect
escape artist!  Whenever my attention was tied up with Velvet, she would
dash away, yanking the leash from my hand.
The 4 foot drag: Velvet definitely won this one.  She would lie down
anywhere, anytime, forcing my to drag her to catch up with Chloe.
Biting my shoes: This one ended up a tie. Both ferrets have the usual
fascination with feet, and both were incorrigable when it came to this!
Digging: Velvet was determined to win this one, and she did! I think she
wanted to make a burrow so she could run away and live in my backyard.
Wrestling: Chloe was undoubtably the winner here! Velvet didn't stand a
chance when faced with odds like Chloe!
Pinecone snatching: It was a close competition here, but Velvet pulled
through in the end, with five pinecones to Chloe's three.
And the final event-Tug-of-War: With a leash in each hand, and two ferts
running in opposite directions, I was the rope for this event!  Velvet used
her unique lie-down-and-don't-move technique to gain the advantage.  Chloe
finally had to run to me to have her harnass repositioned!
The final score (the tie isn't counted): Chloe 3, Velvet 6!
And Velvet takes the day!
I can't wait to see what events those little rascals will think of next!
Liz (stay away from my shoes!)
Chloe (let's wrestle again!)
Velvet (I'm not movin')
[Posted in FML issue 1677]