I'm glad I'm not the only one who modifies songs to sing to their ferrets.
For some reason, I've been singing "Bicycle" by Queen, to Marshmallow.
Changing the words to "Marshmallow, Marshmallow, Marshmallow...I want to
play with Marshmallow..." you get the idea.  Okay, so it's not really in
tune but you all get the idea.  :-) Another song I find myself singing to
the ferrets is "Dancing Queen" (to the girls when they're wardancing).  Poor
Saffron has to live with Mommy singing "Mellow Yellow" to her.  To her
credit, she tries not to wince.  You know, it's strange--I don't sing to my
dog or my cat, but it seems perfectly natural to sing to the ferrets.  Heck,
I sing to my iguanas.  Who respond with a "What in the world are they
putting in *your* food?" look.  <G>
Laura and the Ferrets (Mom, we've been saving up--could we get you some
singing lessons?")
[Posted in FML issue 1676]