This is my first message to the list, I'll keep it really short.  Got our
first fuzzie free at a yard sale about a year ago when she was about 2 yrs.
After thinking she was lonely, depressed etc.  due to the amount of time she
spent sleeping we though she could use some company and bought from PJ's Pet
Store 7-8 wk old Albino female (Belle).  She was a real nipper, would'nt be
held for anything.  Well I just hung onto her until she was resigned to the
fact that I was'nt going to let her go, all the while talking soothingly to
her.  She would soon let out a little sigh and relax knowing that I would'nt
let her go until she did relax a little.  She can know be held for longer
and longer periods of time but never anything extended and nips on the nose
amount only to going through the motions.  We got her last Feb.6th.  They
are caged in thier home made cage when we are not home and have the run of
the apt.  with the exception of the bedrooms when we are home.
The cage is about 2'x3'x2' and I made it out of the wire shelving used for
closet organizers for about 50-60 dollars, with wheels.  To Shawna Kaufman,
if this sounds like a good alternative to your ordering a cage, we'd be more
than happy to lend a hand as we are also in the Toronto area.  Feel free to
E-mail us anytime.
Her international Health Certificate is from:
Pine to Prairie Veterinary Service
CDC Pet Breeders
Box 73
Roseisle, Manitoba Canada
Hope this helps those who were interested.  I am now going to read the FAQ's
to find out how negligent I've been not following up on shots for my
healthy, happy fuzzbutts.  Please, if proper heck is forthcoming, direct it
directly to myself unless you feel i'm not the only one who needs reminding
in this regard.
Our older female sable (Rikki) had a cyst on her throught when we picked her
up from the fert sitter.  It was an open wound that was growing larger and
more uglier.  The vet explained to us it was a sort of fly larva (forget the
name of it now), we had a choice of surgical removal or to let it run its
course.  It was close to vital organs in her neck and a decision was made to
let it run its course, we were monitoring her closely as any undue
aggravation might have triggered the release of toxins into her system.
When it matured and poped out she had a big 3/4 inch hole in her neck but
that healed very quickly.  Man you should have seen this thing, it resembled
a big black armadilo type worm, uuuggly!  She got this when we let her run
loose at out trailer site, she never strayed from out site all summer.  This
year however with the two fuzzies keeping an eye on both is just too much of
a full time job, as well as with the information gotten from the FML and the
risk of these parasitic pests.  They now have a converted corn crib
(2'x4'x3') for a cage at the trailer.  Are'nt you all glad I kept this
short, I've been out of my chair six times explaining to Belle she has to
graduate Gardening 101 before I'll alow her cultivating rights to the potted
Thanks to all who contribute to the FML, hope to write more often and make
them shorter posts.
Rick and Mary
Rikki  (zzzzzzzz)
Belle  (but Rikki says we don't need our gardening papaers!)
[Posted in FML issue 1674]