Hello again!  This is Becca, but I have only one thing to say... a
little event that occured about an hour ago...
Sequin- (""mom, what's in this?" ::: proceeds to climb up the side of a
(thankfully) heavy glass.  lick lick lick ::: "YUM, I think I want more."
::: slides farther into the glass.  lick lick.  ::: "MORE" ::: slides in,
only held on by back haunches ::: "I can't quite reach.." ::: SPLASH...
shake-splatter shake-spatter shake-HUGEMESS)
It appears that Sequin likes Tropical Punch Kool Ade.  ;)
Oh, and I have a question to pose to all ferret owners.... have any of you
had any negative experiences with fuzzmuffins and sandboxes?  I tried to
replace the HUGE ferret litter with a kind that's a bit smaller and got
something to the result of ::: tunnel flip sneeze fling-crash fling-crash
fling-crash :::.  =) So, I've decided to make my little Sequin a sandbox of
her own, with HIGH sides and children's play sand.  Could this be bad for
her?  She had SO MUCH FUN, it's hard to resist, but I have to know what
kinds of consequences I may be looking at here.  If anyone has anything to
share, I'd be happy to hear from you.  Write me at [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance!
Sequin (Mom, the good red stuff is too high for me to reach.... mom?..
Mom?... MOM?!?!?! dang. :: dook dook leap patter patter patter ::)
[Posted in FML issue 1650]