Hi all,
I remember seeing a poem (or narrative) relating to the rainbox bridge but I
can't seem to locate it.  Could someone please direct me to the appropriate
issue number?
I have a friend who's baby (feline type) of 14 years may not be with her
much longer.  I think the legend will help her get through the loss when it
Please feel free to contact me directly at [log in to unmask]
Also, thanks to all who answered me with the contact name(s) for San Diego.
There may be a change in plans so I might not wind up there permanently (but
I sure will try to visit).
Thanks in advance for your help and make sure you all kiss your babies
before going to bed.
[Moderator's note: Issue 1578 was the last time it appeared.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1673]