I've had one ferret for a year and one since Christmas.  They have run of my
two-bedroom condo unit.  The fleas have gotten progressively worse.  Over a
week ago I went on a week's vacation and took them with me.  Right before I
left I bathed them with a flea shampoo and then used a spray to kill any
that missed.  They were flea free until I got back.  After 1.5 hours I
checked the ferrets and each probably had 15 or so fleas.  Last Wednesday I
went to my vet and got Advantage (after signing a disclaimer that I knew I
was using an untested (on ferrets) product).  I put it on (used half a tube
on each ferret) at 9:30am and when I got back home at 8pm all fleas were
gone, and I even found a couple dead ones in the fur.  This morning one of
my ferrets had a couple fleas, but she just woke up and might not have been
there long.  I used a spray to get them, but I should have left them to see
if still there tonight.
[Posted in FML issue 1670]