Dear fellow fuzzbutt spotters,
Just one more appearance to add to the list.  Star Trek: The Next Generation
passed a fully grown albino male off as the baby pet of the evil
Cardassian's charming 10-12 year old daughter in the episode Chain of
Command, part 2.  Naturally, they dubbed over some "alien sounding" critter
noises, and didn't focus on it much, but hey, how many of us humans can say
we've played an alien on TV?  What I wonder is - who was the brave person
willing to bring their ferret to the Paramount studios set in that dreaded
state of California?  I would imagine the Paramount lawyers could handle it
should the need arise, but still...
Keeping my eyes peeled for glimpses of star fuzzies! --Litz
and her sweet fuzzbutts K'Ehleyr & Vixis
[Posted in FML issue 1670]