>From:    "Kris Aaron-Benedum (and S. & S.)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: please, not the little fuzzbutts!!
>*Why* are these wonderful little fuzzbutts sent to labs?
Make up your own minds as to the need or not of animal research but try to
be informed.  Computer simulation of bodily functions is NOT ready to
replace animal research.  It probably will be able to supplant most of it
eventually.  Ferrets are susceptible to many problems in very like humans.
Flu virus and ulcers come to mind quickly.  Ferrets are a lot cheaper from a
fiscal point of view than dogs or cats.  There are far fewer ferret owners
as well so less pet owners to get upset about "their" pet being used for
testing.  Supporting animal research is not supporting harming ferrets
needlessly in all cases.  Some animal research but mostly in the past has
been less than ideal.  Extremely stringent rules govern the use of animals
in research.  Ferrets are used in testing vaccines as well.
[Moderator's note: General discussion of pros and cons of animal research is
not appropriate for this list, please.  BIG]
>From:    "Tracy L. Tunnison" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Bathing, descenting
>Bill, when I talked to Marshalls a month or so ago, I asked if they had
>introduced new blood lines.  The answer I got was an emphatic NO!
My information is mostly from Pam Grant.  I would not expect completely open
answers about proprietary business actions.  Also, who did you talk to and
how recent did this person assume you were asking about?
>There is no other explanation to drastic changes in color
>and size of MF ferts, genetics just don't work that way.
But an improved environment could have significant impact.  We often hear
about how important pre-natal care is for humans.  Dr. Judi Bell before
being vicously attacked introduced many improvements to the care of ferrets
at Marshall Farms.  Shame we as a ferret owning community ending up
attacking one of the best friends ferrets ever had.
The genetics of fancy patterns is complex.  Marshall would keep particularly
striking colors and patterns for breeding.  As they were selected more often
to keep they would be less common in the stock sent out to stores.  With
them being a higher percentage of each generation kept for breeding they
would become more common so more were bred.  After a while they would be
more common place and more would make it out to the pet stores.  Since the
rare patterns are even rarer in England where any new stock supposedly came
from they odd colors and patterns would not have come in with English
>From:    Gary Robertson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: aggressive white-faced ferret
>There seems to be a rumor here in Colorado that white-faced, pink eyed
>ferrets (like Pogo) are aggressive
This is definitely not the case here on the East coast.  Pandas - which
is pretty much what I think you are describing - can really be cuddlebutts.
I have found no correlation between color or pattern and agressiveness
directly.  BUT I have seen some correlation between deafness and "attacks"
when startled.  Pandas are often deaf.  Try to check his hearing.  No I
don't know a fool-proof way to check.  Some of your examples though
certainly don't sound like a deafness attack from being startled though.
>From:    Adrienne Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: "Mean Ferret"
>Ferrets in general are not the cuddle up types.
I definitely do not agree.  Whole hobs in particular are lovers.  We have
ferrets that love to cuddle and we have ferrets that do not.
>From:    Bruce Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Distemper
>I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with this statement and say that
>it is ill-advised to even suggest a treatment for this disease.  As I was
>peripherally involved in the incident, I would state that the overall
>handling of the incident in question was certainly not of sufficient merit
>to take any type of valid medical information from, especially not any
>suggestion for treatment of this devastating disease.
Actually I guess I didn't state my opinons well.  I know Dr. Williams
opinions on this particular case.  I agree with Dr. Williams.  From all I
know of the case, the first affected ferrets should have been put down.  All
of these ferrets died eventually.  If they had been put down when first
diagnosed far fewer ferrets would have died.  I guess I might be guilty of a
typical engineers approach of getting all information out.  Yes this
treatment worked and saved a few ferrets.  I disagree with the approach of
the parties involved and would have folowed Dr. Williams advice had it been
my ferrets.  I don't feel flamed at all.  :)
>From:    Bruce Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret transfusions
I'll take this opportunity to let folks know that we and many other breeders
actively support vets by donating or loaning ferrets to vets for
transfusions.  Any vet near Northern VA just need call and a big strapping
hob will be made available.  I'm sure several other breeders will be willing
to do the same if asked.
>From:    Chuck Renaud <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Chicago-area questions
The GCFA has been attacked with a lot of false rumors.  Everything I know
about them is very good.  Dr. Susan Brown, certainly one of the very best
ferret vets in the country is involved with them - if they had serious
problems I'm sure she would not be.  There are way too many false rumors
spread out of jealousy between ferret "groups".  All of the people I
personally know from the GCFA are good people.  I've learned to be very wary
of bad things said about a ferret group or shelter from anyone who could in
anyway be construed as a "competitor".
>First of all, this is no longer true!  There is ECE in Canada, most
>definitely.  Many cases known of, and many more ferrets across this country
>and Canada that have had such a mild case of ECE that it only lasted a day
>or so, or the symptoms were so mild that they were never diagnosed
>officially as having it,
If it was not diagnosed as ECE then how do you know it was ECE?  There are
many diseases and conditions in ferrets that have green stools as a sympton.
Even simple stress.
>I feel that, if a ferret is healthy, and is four or under, that it
>*should* be exposed so that it won't be hit by it once it gets older
>and cannot deal with it.
Every time I hear this advice I try to comprehend it.  Why would anyone take
a perfectly healthy ferret and expose it to a disease?  Disease avoidance is
so much better than disease spreading.  Herpes is a human disease that has
no vaccine.  In most cases causes no real problems in people and will not
just "go away".  Are the exposure advocates standing in line to get herpes
for themselves?  Yes this is a strongly worded response.  I feel very
strongly about not trying to harm ferrets for no reason.  There were some
rather inflammatory comments in this particular post as well - none about me
>for in a way she was the last of the Mohicans - those earlier Marhsall
>Farm's ferrets that we could expect to have a longer life.
I'm sorry could you explain this please?
I am sorry you lost your ferret but it seems you had several of the typical
Marshall ferrets.  Long lived and good.  Much like my Marshall ferrets.
>Well, in getting ready to bring her to the vet, I cleaned her food dish
>out.  It has two sections for food/water.  I poured out the food to give
>her fresh stuff and some of it stuck to the bottom corner.  I picked it
>out and underneath the clump was a ton of green/white MOLD!
We do not use these two compartment food bowls for reasons like this.  Food
will spoil very quickly if soaked in water.  Ferrets are playful and messy.
This all works out to a bad combination.  We use water bootles for the
ferrets so they don't play in the water.
>I feel like a horrible mommy, it's my first pet and first ferret and I've
>only had her two months.  I have tried reading all I can so I won't screw up
>and I read the FML every day.  But I screwed up and I feel horrible!
She's fine.  You learned what not to do.  You are NOT a horrible mommy.
There isn't a single ferret owner that hasn't goofed up somewhere.  But
these are wonderfully resilient critters and survive the little mistakes.
>From:    Lisa Akenhead <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: 4 fuzzies need homes
>From:    Katherine Kuckens <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sick ferret in PA store
>Is there anyone in PA who can help?  I think there is ferret rescue near
>Philadelphia maybe?
These are three of the very best shelter rescues in the country.  All in
Pennsylvania.  Fran isn't near Philly but she tracks all shelters for the
AFA so could refer you I'm sure.  These folks could help both of you.  I'm
too far away to help practically as long as there are others in a better
WarmFuzzy Ferret Rescue
Directors: Clarence & Shirley Hertzog
Fleetwood, PA (610) 926-9087
The Ferret Gallery & Shelter
Directors: Chris & Cheryl Goedeke
Harleysville, PA (215) 256-1164
Fran's Ferret Rescue
Director: Fran Wiles
Gettysburg, PA (717) 337-0045
>From:    Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: notes from Pam Grant
>If the ferret is not "farting" or expressing itself in an unsmelly manner,
>then don't descent.  I don't know where AFA or any other organization would
>recommend descenting unless there was an ongoing health problem with that
>ONE ferret.  In other countries, descenting is kin to animal abuse.
Pam is right the AFA does not recommend descenting.  It doesn't have an
official position on this but I did get a reply from Sally Heber, AFA
+AFA has not written an 'official' position on descenting.  The article that
+is being referred to is written by Dr. Deborah Kemmerer of Newberry, FL.
+That article is expressly her point of view from her experiences.  The
+editor's note after the article implies that descenting is 'OK' if that
+procedure is the one thing that stands between an owner keeping the pet or
+getting rid of it.  After my 14 years (and counting!) with ferrets, my
+ferrets have had only 3 impaction problems and in only one case did the
+veterinarian recommend to remove the anal glands of the ferret.
+My personal opinion is that descenting isn't necessary so why do it?  It is
+uncomfortable for the ferret and in a small percentage of cases, can lead to
+problems. Again, if this is a 'show stopper' for an owner and they can't
+deal with a ferret that leaks a little scent from time to time, then maybe
+descenting could be done for these cases.  The owner should be careful
+selecting a veterinarian to do this.  They should be experienced doing it
+and it should be done in a acceptable, surgical manner, not using chemical
+means (which has been seen in a small number of cases, and what a mess!).
>From:    "Courtney J. Scholl" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Vaccination ?s
>Just a few questions: If one's ferrets didn't recieve their vaccines (i.e
>rabies/distemper) as kits, what should one do?  A friend of mine has 2
>ferrets with unknown vaccine historys.
These ferret probably have had only one distemper vaccine that lost efficacy
about 2 weeks after the shot.  This is covered in the FAQs though.  Two
distemper shots about 3 weeks apart.  FerVac-D is the approved vaccine.
Rabies one shot.  Imrab-3 is the approved vaccine.  Both need annual
boosters after that.  Best not to give rabies and distemper vaccines within
a week of each other.
>I saw something about the Ferret show here in Michigan in November which
>I would like to take Chloe and Sabrina too.  However, I do my own
>vaccinations (right now, I buy them at Soldan's, a feed/supply pet store).
>What should I do about the required certification?
Most larger (well relatively) breeders and shelter give their own shots.
Too expensive otherwise.  What I do is keep a log book.  I literally take
the labels off of the vaccine and diluent and place them in the book along
with the date and name of the ferret.  There isn't a standard form required.
Most shows expect this sort of thing so it isn't usually a problem - unless
it looks like you hand wrote the records on the back of an envelope on your
way to the show hall...
>From:    Pat Smith <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: That's Bjerknes! (WAS: ...webpage and program...)
>As for me, I'm not sure whether to be pleased or upset.  I know lots of
>copying happens on the web, and I can live with that.  I'm honored that they
>found this picture to be the cutest and/or best for their purposes, but when
>my stuff is used for commercial purposes without my permission, I think a
>line has been crossed.  Maybe we can get a free subscription to the program
>and a lifetime supply of raisins.
Don't ask.  DEMAND.  You published a work and they copied it with out
permission.  Flat out easy legal issue.  But demand nicely or they'll just
go steal someone else's picture.  A free copy (updated regularly) sounds
fair.  Tell us how goodit is.
>From:    "marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret education
>Last I was wondering if any of worthwhile endeavor, to come up with some
>sort of "Ferret Referral Certification" course that would "certify" layman
>as having some adjudica ted knowledge about ferrets.  Right know it seems
>like anyone can go to their local pet stores, humane shelters etc.  and
>become a ferret contact/refer ral person thereby passing along possibly
>incorrect information.
This happens.  It will always happen.  I don't completely trust all of the
National groups though.  There are 8 or more that claim to be National
groups and I ain't gonnatell you here which they are.  Sorry rules of the
game.  All of them have good points and all have bad.  But I personally
don't think any of these groups are in a position where they can claim a
right to make a blanket statement that only their certification is
qualification as any sort of expert.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1669]