>From:    Bill Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: LIFE Statement on Ferrets and Rabies
>>Dr. Suzanne Jenkins of the National Association of State Public Health
>>Veterinarians (NASPHV) has embarked on a national campaign .........
>        This lady has got to be nuts, what triggered this ??????
Suzanne Jenkins is now the former head of the group.  Just changed a couple
months ago as I heard.  Unfortunately the new chair is following in her path
on ferrets.  This is the same Suzanne Jenkins I wrote about a few months
ago.  If LIFE wishes to take over a crusade to counter Dr. Jenkins lies I'll
cede what I've started to them.  Dr. Jenkins is from Prince William County
in Northern Virginia.  Dr. Kawasaki (local ferret specializing vet) has been
fighting these lies for years.
Dr. Jenkins has been making life miserable for ferret owners for many years.
She is at least partially responsible for the problems that Jennifer Au had
in Manassas.  She hasn't done anything in particularly recently and doubt
she cares anything about HSUS or any other recent developments in ferrets.
She has had what apears to have had is a deep hatred or ferrets for many
It is unlikely that ferrets alone will be able to be used as an argument
against her policies.  It is doubtful that new letters to her will be heeded
any more thant he many letters in the past.  It will probably take an
organized campaign to get her recalled and replaced by someone more
knowldegable in general.  Information that is helpful to our case is that
she is adamant about ferrets and rabies even though incorrect on all points
yet she takes a very lax view on other state health issues such as
contamination in the rivers.  There is more but it really doesn't pertain to
ferrets so I won't clutter the list.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1650]