Buddy is probably having adrenal problems again.  Many male ferrets 1)
exhibit aggression and 2) have prostate disease that results in symptoms of
a chronic, recurring urinary tract infection.  The prostate can also become
cystic and show up as a mass just behind the bladder.
Along with the fur regrowth/loss problems, Buddy fits the classic symptoms.
Although Buddy has already had his right adrenal gland partially removed,
the tumor by now has probably grown back.  Surgery may be beneficial but you
probably will have recurrence again.  I would opt for trying Lysodren, the
medical treatment.
Other diagnostics such as the Tennessee ferret panel and an ultrasound will
help confirm the disease.  If I had to choose, I would do the ferret blood
Lysodren has some problems, but most ferrets do well on the medication if
they respond.  The problems are nausea, vomiting and possibly hypoglycemia.
The biggest thing is that some ferrets do not respond to the medication at
all.  I have seen statistics from 5 to 60% bantered about.
Mike Dutton, DVM, DABVP
Weare, NH, USA
[Posted in FML issue 1668]