>From:    Casey Edwards <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The smell
>I hate to complain about little Toby so much, but could anybody give me
>some advice on how to cut down on the odor.
Yes!  Quit bathing him so much.  I've found that Pepperpot and Abu smell
much less if I just change their bedding (towels) every few days.  Go to
your local thrift store and stock up on irregulars or whatever and change
them out often.  I use some fabric softener in the dryer to give the towels
a fresh smell (my ferrets don't seem to mind, but be on the lookout for any
kind of adverse reaction... just like some people may have).  Also, IMHO I
think that brushing seem to help a bit too.
These days they hardly ever get a bath unless they've gotten in to something
or I have taken them somewhere where they picked up some fleas.
   Grant Porter is: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
         Ferrets and more seen at: http://furball.hayes.com/
    Opinions are: completely derived from listening to rock music.
           "Please don't put your wires in my brain"-PF
[Posted in FML issue 1666]