>Re: Toby/Odor...
I think babies seem to have a smell all of their own. Give Toby some time.
His smell will diminish after he grows up a bit. Also, cut down on bathing
might work. Oh, and change that bedding regularly.
>The problem is that he is naucous all the time...
I am no vet but just wanted to tell you something that worked wonders for
our Granny when she was dealing with insulinoma, adrenal problems, old old
age, and other problems.  It is called "Reglan" and it was an anti-nausea
drug and it worked wonders to stimulate her appetite and cut down on the
nausea attacks.
>Choco! Help!  i have a male ferret... is becoming extremely agressive... we
>haven't been able to let him out of his cage in weeks...
In-Out, In-Out, In-Out, In-Out, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... About the worst
thing you can do with an aggressive ferret is hole him up in a cage for
weeks at a time with absolutely no companionship.  Is he in season (has he
been neutered)?  Could he have adrenal problems?  Does he have a problem
causing him pain?  Please don't keep your ferret in a cage for weeks and
ignore the problem.  Perhaps you need the help of a shelter at this point.
I'm sure one in your area would be glad to help you with this little boy and
give him the care he desperately needs.
In our house we have several different kinds of food available, Totally
Ferret, Kaytee, Marshall Farms, Iams cat and kitten, Excel, Sensible Choice
cat.  Our guys seem to have a flavor of the month.  This month Totally
Ferret is OUT and Marshall Farms is IN!  and all of the other flavors are
appetizers.  Last month Totally Ferret was IN!  It's kind of strange... I
never know which food I'm going to need to buy more of.  I just went and
bought a big bag of TF because they were going through it like horses and
now, no one is touching it.  I'll be going to the store soon to get more
Marshalls now (which most have avoided like the plague up until now).  Do
you think they are just trying to get me out of the house?
[Posted in FML issue 1666]