"Fire?"  Pierre stated.  "Where is the fire, Mr. Sugar Glider?"
    "To the west!!!  Sugar Glider answered.  "Some trappers set the forest
on fire!!!  I am trying to tell everyone to get out of here while they still
    "You don't taste like sugar..." Maxie declared, licking the back of the
    "He's not supposed to!"  Pierre informed.  "He's kind of like a flying
squirrel.  He uses his webbed arms and legs to glide on the wind from tree
to tree."
    "By the way," Wiggles stated.  "I'm not with these folks."
    "Hurry, run!!!"  Sugar Glider exclaimed and left the scene.
    "Let's put out the fire!"  Rosie asserted.
    "How do we do that?"  Pierre asked.
    "Everyone climb on top of Buzz," Rosie answered.  "I've got an idea."
    "Oh, my" Wiggles muttered sarcastically.  "Rosie's got an idea."  So the
Foxie, Pierre, and the girls climbed onto Buzz's back, and he flapped his
mighty wings to gain altitude.  Soon they were all soaring above the forest
once again.
    "Over there!" Foxie said.  "There's the fire."  She pointed to a black
cloud of thick smoke coming from the stand of trees where they had
encountered the trappers the night before.  Buzz flew in closer...
    "How are we gonna put out the fire?" Maxie asked.
    "Look!"  Sammi declared, pointing to the ground below.  "It's Griz!"
 They all looked to where she was pointing and saw the bear straining as he
knocked over small trees at the location of the blaze.
    "You gonna sit up there and gawk," Griz shouted to them.  "Or are you
gonna help?"
    "Here," Pierre stated, and let out a stream of spray from underneath his
tail. It had little effect on the scorching flames rising into the sky.
    "I've got an idea," Wiggles said.  "Let's go get water from the stream
over there and fill up the crinkle sack...maybe it will hold a lot...and we
can drop it on the fire!"
    "You're gonna put out this fire with that little bag?"  Pierre asked.
    "It's magical," Sammi smiled.
    "Oh," Pierre replied.  So, Buzz soared down to the stream, and they
placed the crinkle sack into the swift current, with the open mouth of the
bag facing the flow of the water.  Water kept rushing into the sack for
several minutes.
    "It's working!"  Rosie yelled, jumping up and down in glee.
    "Let's go," Wiggles stated, pleased with the result.
    "Magical?" Pierre muttered to no one.  So, they climbed onto Buzz again,
and he flew up above the trees to where the smoke was thickest from the
    "Let her rip!"  Wiggles declared, and they all held onto the bag as they
tilted the open end down towards the fire, and water began pouring out by the
gallons.  There was no end to the continuous flow of liquid that came from
the crinkle sack.  In a matter of minutes the blaze was reduced to a few
spots of smoldering ashes, which Griz was quick to stamp out with his massive
    "Good work!"  Griz yelled, as Buzz landed on the ground next to him.
 The girls and Pierre hopped off of the vulture's back and hugged each other
in excitement.
    "Yippee!"  They all exclaimed.  "We did it!"  Suddenly, many creatures
began appearing at the area where they were celebrating.  Deer, rabbits,
mice, rats, frogs, salamanders, snakes, birds, and many other critters all
gathered around the group.
    "Thank you for saving the forest," One of the deer said.  "We were
terrified that we would not have a place to live anymore."
    "No problem," Rosie answered.  "Next we're gonna save the black-footed
ferrets from Fang!"
    "Good luck!"  The assortment of critters said to the girls, Pierre,
Buzz, and Griz.
    "You have done well," A voice sounded inside of their heads.
    "Who was that?" Sammi said to the others, looking around.
    "You heard it too?" Maxie exclaimed.
    "It was Otter!"  Wiggles stated.  "He spoke to us in our minds!"
    "Huh?"  Pierre said, scratching his head with his claws.
     (to be continued...)
[Posted in FML issue 1665]