You can't expect your ferrets to dook every time they're out of the cage.
Dooking means they are extremely excited, conversely not dooking does NOT
mean they are depressed.  It is amazing what will end up setting them off,
though.  Rockford can be playing happily for an hour and then WHAM, it's a
bounce and chirp fest...usually over nothing at all.
Obviously you've invested an incredible amount of money in your new buddies.
There are few people who would pay $500 for them anyway.  Keep them and
watch the relationship develop.
Jason, Allison, Rockford, (and announcing the outdoor cat, Tippy, who spent
last night literally in the front of our house.  Obviously, God
put her in *that* particular gutter because He knew we'd take pity on her.
BTW, if anyone can email suggestions on how we could fix her broken foot
without $200 worth of vet bills, please email to this address or
[log in to unmask]  Thanks.)
[Posted in FML issue 1664]