Pam - This is not intended to be a flame.  Heck, it ain't even warm.  Tater
and Odie have thrived on Purina Kitten Chow.  It's all that Tater has ever
eaten.  When Odiie came to live with us, Doug told us that he was used to
Iams, so I hocked a couple of cats and bought him a big ol' bag of the
stuff.  Guess what?  He refused to eat it.  He preferred the Purina that his
new bubba ate.  I kept up with the debate about the best foods for ferts
that keeps pooping up on the FML.  I hocked a few more cats (where do they
keep coming from?) and bought some Totally Ferret and other 'specially
blended foods' for ferrets.  I wanted the guys to have only the best.  Same
result.  They both refused to eat the stuff.  I guess they know best what is
good for them.
Odie was about half of Tater's size when he came to live here.  Tater has
always been bright-eyed, bushy tailed and gorgeous - even in the summertime.
Odie has rapidly caught up to his younger brother.  He's now a bit larger
than Tater, has the bushiest tail I've ever seen, and has fur that is almost
as soft a rabbit-type bunny's.  They both saw the Vet last week for their
annual checkups and booster shots.  The Vet pronounced them both to be hale
and hearty.  Your letter did make me think so I checked the labels on the
Purina, Iams and TF..  basically the same stuff - animal protein and all.  I
wouldn't want to eat any of them myself, but the guys seem to be doing just
fine on what they chose for themselves.
Well, guess I'll go put on my asbestos underwear.  I know that you wouldn't
flame me over this, but somebody probably will.
Tenaka and Cayanne - I'm glad that you talked some sense into Bryan.  Being
owned by ferrets does take a little getting used to.  I never will forget
the first night that Tater spent with us.  I woke up at about 3AM to find
him dancing and hissing all over the bed.  I asked Mee Maw what was wrong
with the critter.  She just rolled over and muttered, "That's just how he
plays." It's even better now that we have two ferrets going crazy at odd
Raisins Anonymous - I called the 800 number (even spelled it right) because
Tater and Odie answered 'yes' to all of the questions.  I got a recording
that asked me for all of my credit card numbers.  Oh well, I guess it's not
a real Twelve Step Program.  There sure is a lot of stuff like this going
around these days.
Mom (formerly known as Melissa) - I know how you feel.  I've ended up on
quite a few of these sublists myself.  I've found that the best response is
to ignore them.  These folks eventually give up when I won't play with them
and they go on to snark at somebody else.  I guess they are having 'fun',
but that kind of fun is beyond my ken.
Loves and healing thoughts to all ferrets who aren't feeling so good today.
Condolences and hugs to all folks who have lost their special friends
lately.  I wish I had the time to write personal letters to all of you;
unfortunately, I don't.  Know that my heart is with you in your time of
Many much loves,
Paw Paw (the gimpy one)
[Posted in FML issue 1664]