"R. Parrish" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Sunday, Aug. 4 we bought our baby, his cage, food & dish, water bottle,
>etc., etc., etc.  <Our baby is now about 10 weeks old.  Having discovered,
>via the I- net, that he is considered a chocolate sable we choose the name
>Coco.  Having observed him sleeping in a ball and commenting on how he
>looked like a puff ball, his name evolved to be Coco Puff.
Congrats on the new baby!  Of course, an *only* ferret is a *lonely* ferret.
As Coco Puff sits in his crate, staring out at you with sad, solemn eyes,
begging for companionship, you may be overcome by the urge to acquire a
friend for him, just one more sweet, adorable ferret to help reduce the
guilt you feel at making him stay alone and friendless.  Of course, all
ferret math formulas prove that two ferrets aren't nearly as happy as three,
and three aren't quite as cute together as four ... see what you started?
Again, congratulations and welcome to fert math!
Rainey & Stormin
[Posted in FML issue 1664]