hello everyone:
tieke, just turned six yesterday, is still having a lot of problems.  The
doctor has diagnosed him with chronic kidney failure, insulinoma, and
cushing's disease.  He has had exploratory surgery once this year already
(for the third time) with his left adrenal removed last year.  He is on
winstrol for the kidney problems, plus we give him 15-20 cc's of pedialyte
orally every day.  We also give him turkey or chicken baby food at night,
but not a lot as we would like him to eat more kibble.  The problem is that
he is naucous all the time, wimpers, and is not eating on his own.  He is
often in a dazed state, pulling at his mouth with his hands, and drooling.
We really need some help here.
becki kain
"words are just dust in deserts of sound."  eldritch
[Posted in FML issue 1663]