Re: Ferrets (sadly) for sale
Brian, you can make whatever decision you believe is best for your ferts,
but 3 weeks is a short time to decide that your ferts are unhappy with you.
Your little guys haven't had a chance to adjust themselves to your work
schedule.  Our guys have learned our schedules and patterned their sleep and
play times around that.  Plus, there are some ferrets that really don't dook
at all.  Their dooks are especially rare.  We've got 4 and they definately
have different dooking levels.  There are the talkie ones and there are the
quiet ones.  Plus *never* compare the joyous dooks of your kits exploring a
huge room for the first time after being kept in a cage or aquarium (like
our 2 youngest).  The joy and rapture they experience and express is moving
to the point of tears.
Re: Obscure Fert References
a finger flub.....a correction to the obscure B5 reference...
In a Babylon-5 episode from this season, Marcus was speaking to Cmdr.
Ivanova and noticed she wasn't really paying attention to him.  So he made
some comment about having badgers in his tousers (or something like that).
And then he said "Or would you perfer ferrets?"
         ^-------I had orginally typed "she"
Re: Alaska go boom?
>>A really wierd day here.  Tequila is acting funny.  My aloof cat is also
>>extremely affectionate today too.  Also my dog got into some things and
>>shredded them into pieces all over the living room, something she hasn't
>>done in "+ years.  Go figure.  Something's up.
>You're in Alaska, right?  On the Pacific "Ring of Fire," right?  I've heard
>it and had it confirmed that animals sense seismic disturbances before
>humans do.  Perhaps the furry kids are warning you about a quake on its way.
I must admit that I thought the same thing.  Your pets could have sensed
seismic disturbances that you were oblivious to.  After a lifetime of always
being around one type of animal or another (humans excluded!), I have
learned to trust animal "predictions" of weather.  Strange or certain types
of behaviors in your pets, farm animals, or wild animals can be precursors
to violent storms or other extreme conditions.  Listen to what your
non-human friends have to tell you!
-kim, squirt (Who cares if it rains? I'm dry.), atlas (duh...wut's rain?),
 pippi (zoom-wardance-we're going to get a storm-leap), and 'Jinx (yeah...
 what pippi said.)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 1663]