>How are those for obscure fert references!! ;)
In John Irving's novel "The Water Method Man" there are plenty of references
to a ferret the protagnist's son keeps in a cage in the garage.  His son
enjoys finding "wildlife" and keeping them in cages, apparently.  John
Irving must hate ferrets because every reference to the critter is one of a
mean, nasty, vicious wild animal that nobody can go near because it is so
mean.  Bah.
Oh, and of course all the references to ferrets in Watership Down.  And in a
novel by Anne Cameron called "The Whole Fam Damily" there are two boys who
are nicknamed the Weasel and the Ferret.  They don't play a big part in the
novel, but they are mentioned on the jacket write up, which is how I came to
have received this novel for Christmas last year (My SO saw it, thought it
was perfect for me).
How's that for obscure?
Wherret Ferrets Halfway House and Ferretry
Ferret Association of Greater Vancouver
[Posted in FML issue 1663]