After having been on the FML (and loving it!) for two weeks now, I feel
introductions are in order.  My husband Rick and I live in an apartment in
Tallahassee, FL with our two felines, Frosty and Mike.  We had decided to
add a third friend to our home, but did not want a third cat.  Our home is
not big enough for a large dog and small dogs are usually to yippy for an
One day my husband said to me "Why don't we get a ferret?" "A ferret?" I
said.  "Yeah a ferret." In case you can't tell, I was a little skeptical at
first.  I went to some pet stores to check them out and the little guys
stole my heart!  I immediately bought a book on the little fuzzies.  After
several days of reading up on them and planning it out, Sunday, Aug.  4 we
bought our baby, his cage, food & dish, water bottle, etc., etc., etc.
Our baby is now about 10 weeks old.  We spent several days trying to choose
a name for him.  Having discovered, via the I- net, that he is considered a
chocolate sable we choose the name Coco.  Having observed him sleeping in a
ball and commenting on how he looked like a puff ball, his name evolved to
be Coco Puff.
We love the FML & look forward to it each day!  Our condolances to all those
who have lost their little fuzzies.  We haven't had Coco Puff for two full
weeks yet, but love him so much and can't imagine loosing him.
Dooks to all until later,
Susan Parrish
P.S.  If any of you live in Tallahassee or the surrounding area, please
e-mail us at the above address.  We'd love to start a ferret lovers group
here, or at least arrange a Ferret Fun Day every now-and-then.  Thanks!
[Posted in FML issue 1663]