>After all, this virus started out ONLY in VA and Md. in 1993 and now it
>has spread across the country!
And how does everybody think it spread across the country?  Because clubs
continued to have shows, exposed shelters continued taking in new ferrets,
and exposed breeders continued selling kits to unexposed homes.
In 1993, Dr. Williams told me he suggested that all shows be cancelled until
more info was gathered - at that time, "it" didn't even have name other than
'green slime' disease.  But, contrary to his advice, the shows went on and
ECE spread.  Ferret owners from out of state flocked to East Coast shows and
took ECE back home with them.
Some shelters that were hit with ECE didn't close - they continued taking in
new ferrets, exposing those ferrets as well, and the virus continued to
I don't believe once you have it you can't get it again - I had it twice -
my very first trip to a southern ferret show cost me the life of my first
rescue, and about $3000 in vet bills over the course of a year.  Four of my
ferrets have had permanent intestinal damage with chronic, intermittent
diarrhea since then - 2 of the 4 will never be the nice, big hefty ferrets
they once were - I have to struggle to maintain them at 2 lbs - ferrets that
used to be 5 lbs.
A year later, it broke again - and I had and have been very protective of my
ferrets - they don't go anywhere but to the vet's, I always warned other
ferret owners about disinfecting after leaving my house, I always took a
shower, got dressed in the basement, and went out the back door when going
to other ferret homes, I used bleach to clean and disinfect cages and litter
pans, and STILL got it again.
Can ferrets be carriers after several years?  I'm not sure anyone knows for
sure - not much progress has been made in understanding the nature of this
disease IMO, but I know these things move slowly - I'm sure it's just my
frustration with the disease that makes me feel this way.
As far as "hiding" with my ferrets - so what?  They don't seem unhappy
because they don't go to ferret gatherings - I have 17 ferrets - they play
with each other!  Why, my house *is* a ferret gathering!  We have tunnel
tubes, toys, T-Ps, and tents to play in and with, they have the run of the
entire house with litter pans in every room, they're out from 6 AM to 10 PM
on non-work days, so I don't see them as deprived.
I'm not a human parent, but when Johnny Joe down the street gets the mumps
and measles, do you all take your unexposed kids down to his house so *your*
kids get the mumps and measles too, so they can get it and get it over
I agree with Dr. Levine, if you can prevent it, then that's the way to go.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1635]