I'm posting this to both the FML and alt.pets.ferrets and would like to hear
from anyone who might know what's wrong with Schnitzell.
I just noticed this morning that Schnitzell, my 2-year-old Marshall Farms
female ferret has thinning fur on her tail...it seems fairly normal till
about an inch and a half from the tip, then sparses out.  Oh, there aren't
any bald spots, but it worries me anyway.
Could it be a weather thing or a stress thing?  We moved two weeks ago into
a motel that doesn't allow pets, so the weasels have had to stay in the
bathroom so that we can round them up and hide them whenever someone comes
to the door...they're used to having free reign of the house.
She eats, drinks and poops just fine, and is as bouncy as always (at 1.5#
she can and does beat up our 4# demonic kit Satan!), but I'm just a worry
wart...I know that Marshall Farms ferrets are more prone to adrenal
cancer... and Snark, our original ferret who looked just like her, died of
it.  I don't want to lose *ANY* of my babies, but we're kinda shy on funds
for a while (I lost my job in March and have been doing temp work ever
Any opinions?
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[Posted in FML issue 1635]