I am having some trouble trimming Daisy-the-hyperactive-can't-sit-still-
for-a-second-ferret's nails.  I usually don't have the luxury of someone
else helping me.  The two person method of scruffing for a second and
trimming real fast works OK, but she's impossible to do by myself.
Unfortunately, she doesn't like treats.  I've tried everything that Squirt
likes, but Daisy won't try anything.  When I asked my vet, he said to trim
her nails while she was asleep.  Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be a
very heavy sleeper.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Can send to [log in to unmask]  Thank you.
                   Lisa and Noah
                   Daisy -- I must have your toes!
                   Squirt -- Is that for me?
P.S.  Bob -- Do you think you had enough disclaimers?  I didn't see one
after the "kiss and make up" sentence.  Getting slow in your old age? :)
[Posted in FML issue 1633]