I just wanted to say thanks to the folks who put together the ferret FAQ &
for posting it on the Web.
Lemke came down with a cold, and was a pretty snuffly unhappy guy last
night - everytime he tried to curl up & sleep he would sneeze & wake
hjimself back up... He didnt seem to be in serious health risk, just
uncomfortable, so I didnt see a need to rush him to the emergency room,
but I did want to give him some releif poor little guy.
I knew that I'd seen mentions of how to deal with colds & flus on the FML,
so I figured I'd cruise the web for some advice.  Once I got my Web
connection to finally work, it was a straight shot from Ferret World to FAQ
part #5 and bingo I had the ferret dosage for ChlorTrimeton.  I shaved a
small portion of the pill into powder in my hand & squirted ferretone over
it.  He lapped it all up quite happily and 20 minutes later he was sleeping
peacefully.  He's a happy perky guy this morning, almost no snuffles left,
and clearly doesnt even remember that he kept me up till 1am playing Dr. Mom
I just wanted to let folks know what a comfort it is to have this wonderful
resource available when my guys are in trouble.
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke and Bill (the human one)
Eden Rain     [log in to unmask]
Adobe Systems, Seattle WA
[Posted in FML issue 1633]