Hi!  I am very offended that someone would judge my wife on her religious
beliefs.  I have never meet ANYONE who is as compasionate, caring and loving
to animals as well as people.  And to watch her sit here and cry, because
someone would judge her on her belief system angers me.
She works 7 days a week all year helping ferrets and other animals.  She
hardly ever gets a break and she will never stop trying to make things
better in this world.
I do not follow her religious path, but I still love her and respect her
choices.  I feel it is very unchristian to pass such judgement and hatred if
you ask me.  Have we lost sight of what is our goal?  The ferrets.  And to
not work with her because she is not Christian not only hurts her, but it
hurts the ferrets as well.
She would never judge a person, she has even kicked someone out of one of
our ferret shops for wearing a shirt the was discrimanating against people
who are gay.
Ferrets Etc.  would and will never hold any predjudices against anyone for
any reason.  Everyone is welcome to our meetings, events and to be apart of
rescue as long as they love and respect their pets.
To whomever passed this judgement just remember hatred is not a family value.
Ferrets Etc.  is not closing we have been here for 4 years and will continue
to go strong with my wifes dedication.  She runs this pretty much be herself
and breaks her back to do what she can.  Sometimes I tell her she is to nice
and needs to say no to peoples requests of her, but she says "As long as
people and their ferrets need me I will be here for them no matter what."
I have seen her cry many times this year because she is so overwhelmed with
work that she does, but she will still never turn away a ferret who needs
her.  I am sure the 200 ferrets she has saved this year so far could care
less what religious beliefs she has.
Love and respect is the key and she has that.  I told her not to get to
upset because the person who said that is the one with the problem not her,
she sees people for who they are and loves them just the same as we all
should.  I have never meet someone like her who can love unconditionally and
care so much about others and her world, again it breaks my heart to have
had this happen.
I hope all of you can see past her religious beliefs to what a great person
she is.
I love you Stephanie.
Your husband, Rick
[Posted in FML issue 1632]