Our ferret (Sylvia) loves to find, and hide objects which we then can't
find.  Her two favorite objects are: rabbits feet keychains, and hair
brushes.  Once, we were down to 4 people sharing the one hair brush that
Sylvia hadn't stashed.  (I keep buying new cheap ones, so her supply was
quite large at that point).
I'm embarrassed to say that it took me over a year, but I finally figured
out how to find her hiding place.  She changes it every few months, just
about when we had figured it out during a rare housecleaning spree.
I "let" her get a hair brush, for example, and then I follow her to her
latest hiding place, and I retrieve the missing objects.  Of course, she now
has to find a new hiding place, but as soon as I notice objects missing I do
this trick again.  I imagine some of you figured this out, but I'm sharing
it with other dummies, or new ferret owners.
Eleanor Kohn
email: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1631]