Hello, it's me with the popsicles again! :-)
A few weeks ago someone posted asking if anyone had noticed that their
ferret had a favorite color.  I answered, privately, I believe, that I am
convinced that Rascal is partial to green.  When I first got him I picked up
a bag of 2 dozen assorted color balls at the pet store.  They've been
rolling around my living room ever since, but Rascal has hidden *every one
of the green balls* in hte back of his cage.  He completely ignores the
others.  (Dandy doesn't care which one she plays with.) When I clean his
cage I leave the balls out on the floor, and they're all back in his cage
within an hour.  He only plays with them in the middle of the night when
he's sure Dandy can't get at them.
Even though I know he likes only the green balls, in the back of my mind, I
thought there was probably some other reason besides the color.  Maybe they
smelled different, or were made of slightly different material, or something
(The balls are all alike except for color)....*until today*.  In the last
post you'll remember I told about using the tube-style popsicles to cool the
ferrets when my AC quit.  (It's fine, now, thanks.  Needed Freon(sp?).) then
I cautioned others who might try my idea to watch for chewed plastic and
multicolor puddles.  well, I turned around for *only a minute*, and when I
turned back, Rascal had chewed into, and was lapping away at the puddles
from *green* popsicles!  Three of them, and *only* the *green* ones!  Now
I'm absolutely convinced!  <GG>
dooks and green popsicles to y'all from
Didi Anderson
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an' da fuzz-babes,
Rascal & Dandy
"It never pays to kick a skunk."
[Posted in FML issue 1631]