Last night my albino ferret tried to vomit.  She does this every so many
months and my vet and I can not figure out what is wrong.  Usually she does
not throw up anything, but you can hear gurgling in her stomach (similar to
the growl of a hungry stomach).  I pick her up, hold her, pat her back (in
case it is gas or something similar) and then she wants down.  She then
proceeds to wander around as if nothing is wrong.  When this first started
she did vomit food for a day, and the emergency vet gave her subcutaneous
fluids injections and gave her predinose (spelling?).  Since then we've
tried the cycle of three medications (pepto., amox., and pred.) for the
stomach bacteria/ulcer.  We've tried an injection of reglan/dexammmethasone
on 5/13/96.  that day she started trying to vomit so I took her straight to
the vet, in the hope we could figure out the cause.  By the evening she was
fine.  Whether it was due to time or the injection we can't tell.
Yesterday's event, she was fine after five minutes and did not try to vomit
again after I picked her up.  I once heard about a ferret vomiting to get
attention.  Is this really possible?
Certainly, these day time it happened my husband had just arrived back from
a trip the day before.  So was she trying to say I missed you now play with
me?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  My vet and I have discussed
exploratory work with an endoscope to take tissue samples.  This would run
over $200.  We're afraid to spend that much if it tells us nothing and hurts
her, when there are no other symptoms or problems.
Please reply to [log in to unmask] since I am always behind  the FML.
Thanks, Cheryl and Sneeuw.
[Posted in FML issue 1631]