Another report from Shamus-watch.  Last night I discovered Shamus's
hackysack hidey-hole, stashed with four of them.  Oh, he was *mad*.  I put
them on the mantel, safe from the little thief.  This morning, they are all
gone!!!  He's not telling me how he did it, but gone they are, and not in
his old hidey-place, by the way.  (Does anyone know---do ferrets levitate?)
Now I have to search them out again, so I can replace them on the mantel,
and secretly watch to see how he did that.
We had yet another escape from the ferret room during a storm the other day.
Shamus, unlike us, remembered immediately upon the storms' approach, that
the door to the outside might blow open.  He even led Pearl astray.  They
both disappeared.  We of course found Shamus at the rabbit hole (what a cute
sight, little masked face and puffy tail as seen from afar), but Pearl
wasn't with him.  Tim finally spotted her white furry self on the neighbor's
back porch.  She was so happy to be rescued, she must have given him a
hundred ferret kisses when he picked her up.  She really went far afield, in
just a few minutes.  The ferret gods were with us that day; but we're afraid
we might be running out of luck.  The door is to be nailed shut this weekend.
I really enjoy the stories about other little rascals antics.  Please keep
sharing, everybody!
Shamus--"I CAN FLY!!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1630]