Although a FMLer for some time now, I don't think I have ever formally
introduced my girls.  I wrote to someone privately and after reading the
post for typos (i know!  A.  retentive), I thought maybe ya'll would enjoy
an intro on my 'fam'.
Chloe is the Alpha female and the largest of the bunch.  She is very
purposeful and tolerant of, what I believe she considers to be, my
overindulgent tendancy for affection towards her.  After all, she has WORK
to do; hiding my shoes, tunneling under my area rugs (a song comes to mind--
"Under my Rug" by The Rolling Stones...sing it sometime!) and practicing her
Michael Jackson moon-walk.  Chloe has a real "bathtub-jones" and will even
climb in the bathtub while I shower!
Spice is the one who loves to tease.  She will run, stop and turn to make
sure you are in hot pursuit.  The result is a directional curly-Q of good
times!!  She's an ankle nipper who won't take no for an answer when she's
ready to play.  Spice has even dragged her toys across the house to me and
then nipped my ankle to get my attention!  (Let's play MOM!!) She enjoys
sleeping in a dresser drawer (socks & underware are her favorite--Tshirts
take 2nd) and has never quite gotten the hang of the water bottle (GLUG,
GLUG, GLUG).  It's totally entertaining to watch her try to use it.  Spice
insists on chewing the spout or inserting one of her teeth in there to hold
the ball-bearing back so the water can flow freely.  She's either a genius
or a clutz!  I can't tell which, especially at 2AM!
Channel, I call her 'Nellie', is our shy girl.  At first, I called her
'lickety-split' cause that's how fast she would run when startled.  She's
more self-assured now and has become the major thief of the bunch.  I even
have toys that I put on the coffee table for her to ferret away.  I keep
retreiving them for her to steal, so the question is...Did I train her or is
she training me?!!!!!!  At any rate, I can't put anything down within
Nellie's reach or whooooosh its gone!  Tonite it was the roll of paper
towels (theivery rating A+...gone in less than 60 secs!).  The most amazing
thing about Nellie is her ability to climb.  I have found her strolling
along the hangers in my (packed) closet and on top of a shelf in the
bathroom which she had to traverse up a 3-tiered wire hanging basket to
achieve!  All I know is she could give Lord-whats-his face & the other Mt.
Everest climbers a run for their $$$$$!!
About the 'butt-scoot boogie'...Mine all do the dirty deed! Who cares about
the carpet, when the Siskel & Ebert rating is thumbs up!!!!!!! GO GIRL....
Anyway, I've gone on long enough. You know us pets, we can never say enough
about our owners.
[Posted in FML issue 1629]